one semester down...
i have only written few times over the past several months, and only three times have these writing made it to the world wide web.
this semester can hardly be described in a few words, but i wouldn't have changed a thing. it was hard. it was funny. it was exciting. it was new. it was amazing. no one can really tell you anything that can fully prepare you for the first semester of your freshman year. over Christmas break i will do my very best to gradually recount a few of the events and emotions of the semester. but, for now i want to explain my reasoning behind creating a whole new blog.
a few minutes ago, i was redesigning my old blog. nothing i did to it was quite satisfying enough.
so, i guess it's time to start fresh. it is fitting. new chapter of life? new blog. perfect.
"walkrunlife" - well, this semester i have really learned that sometimes i'm making huge advancements and at times it feels like i'm just barely crawling along. whether i am walking or running, as long as i am moving forward into God's will, i am exactly where i am supposed to be. no matter what my expectations are, if i am following Him, He will get me where i'm going.
even sitting here now i keep getting distracted. i can't even finish this simple post. so, we'll see just where this blog ends up going.
to explain the background. the door. i LOVE doors. especially old ones. i am currently in the process of finding some creative way to hang up pics in my room. but as much as i love actual doors, i love what they can symbolize even more. think about it. walking through a door marks movement from one physical location to another. whether it is simply leaving the harsh cold outside to the refuge of a heated home, or entering through the door of a classroom, knowing you're about to gain knowledge. doorways mark the edges of environments and the differences between those environments can be drastic.
i walked out of the door at graduation and entered the door at staff training.
i walked out of the door of the Arabian bunkhouse after week 8 and through the door of my first dorm room.
i wish i had a better way of tracking the changes in my life, because, so far, there have been hundreds.
what's next?
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